
Further to a formal RFP process, on April 1, 2019, Lakeridge Health has selected NorthWest Healthcare Properties REIT and its team, including Dineen Construction (2017) Corporation, as the successful “Highest Ranked Proponent” to design, build, own and manage a 60,000 square foot ambulatory care building on land owned by Lakeridge Health. The team also includes Parkin Architects Limited, H.H. Angus & Associates Engineers, Entuitive Engineers and R.J. Burnside & Associates Engineers. It is expected that NorthWest and Lakeridge will execute the Ground Lease and Lakeridge Premises leases over the coming weeks after NorthWest and its team completes its due diligence process.
Approximately 50% of the space in the building will be leased by Lakeridge Health to operate a variety of ambulatory care functions including day surgeries. The remainder of the building will be leased by NorthWest to other allied physicians and health service providers.
Stay tuned for more details…
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